Pet Owners With Special Needs

Easy and Adaptable Pet Care Solutions Let me guide you into the realm of pet owners with special needs. It’s important to understand that owning a pet entails more than just routine activities like walks and play sessions for specific individuals. It goes beyond added duties to encompass a unique connection that develops despite obstacles. … Read more

House Training Tips for Puppies

Expert Advice for New Pet Owners Congratulations if you’re taking on the rewarding challenge of housetraining a new puppy! It’s a big step. But don’t worry too much about getting everything perfect at the start. I, Janice, am here to direct you through the process. Puppy house training is a process that hinges significantly on … Read more

Puppy Whining At Night During Crate Training

If you’re new to the world of pets, allow me, Janice, to say welcome. If you have a puppy whining at night during crate training, I’m going to let you in on a little secret: puppy whining at night is as common as it is challenging. It’s a natural behavior, especially during the early days … Read more

About Janice

Hello, I’m Janice and I’m here because is my labor of love, a space where my retired accountant’s precision meets my homemaker’s warmth in the vibrant world of pet care. From managing numbers to managing animal needs, my life has taken an exciting turn that combines my expertise with my deepest passion: animals. For … Read more